Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Today was an iceless day at Panera. The ice machine was out yet again. They were able to scoop us some from a bin in the back, but it was melted and we ended up getting a cup of ice water. Unfortunately, we were there for tea.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Bagel Slicer

This is what my bagel looked like after being sliced with the automatic slicer. Unfortunately I didn't realize this until I was already back at the office. And since I'm lazy, instead of trying to cut it up into smaller pieces, I just ate it like it was. My jaw almost locked in place.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sugar in the Raw

Michele in our office loves Sugar in the Raw. But Panera is ALWAYS OUT. We've taken it upon ourselves to search under the counters where they keep the spare sugars but lo and behold, the Sugar in the Raw is always missing! Is it that popular that they run out week after week? And if it is, why don't they start ordering more? It's ok though, last time they had some I took a huge handful. Now we're stocked up, even when they aren't. Maybe that's why they are out...